
New Sun Road team builds portable solar generators for wildfire disaster relief in partnership with the Footprint Project

The New Sun Road team formed two groups to compete on fastest time to build. It was a close race, with both teams finishing in under one day! After hooking the systems up to our solar panels to verify performance, we delivered them to the Footprint Project team at the After the Fire Wildfire Leadership Summit in Sonoma, California.

New Sun Road team builds portable solar generators for wildfire disaster relief in partnership with the Footprint Project Read More »

In a Place with No Power and No Internet – Creating Women-Led Digital Community Centers 

In 2021, New Sun Road worked with communities in the Guatemalan highlands of Altavera Paz and established Women’s Leadership Committees (WLC) to support and operate Digital Community Centers (DCCs). With funding from Microsoft and USAID, New Sun Road installed 10 integrated PV systems, Stellar IS, to power and provide internet to establish the DCCs centers. For the people in these rural communities the results have been transformative.

In a Place with No Power and No Internet – Creating Women-Led Digital Community Centers  Read More »

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