Meet some of the women from Alta Verapaz who have shared their stories of growth and hope. With first-time access to digital services and education, these women are embracing the transformative opportunity for themselves and their families. New Sun Road is working to expand digital access so that more women and under-served communities can benefit through the projects such as the Stellar Ixq-Saq’e (SIS) Digital Community Centers.
#WomenThatInspireUs from the Digital Community Centers in Guatemala
In 2021, New Sun Road installed ten Stellar IS systems in the highlands of Guatemala. In partnership with Microsoft, USAID, United Nations Women, Mercy Corps, World Food Program, Plan International, Club Rotario de la Asunción de Guatemala, and local municipalities; these solar microgrids are the power and connectivity foundation for digital community centers.
Doña Angelina Yat
....I have realized that education is no longer the same as in our times, before we only used pencils and pens and now we only use the computer.
In one of our visits to the community of San Antonio IV in San Pedro Carchá, we had the opportunity to talk with Doña Angelina Yat. After receiving the digital literacy course, she tells us: “I really liked learning, maybe for us it will no longer be of great benefit, but it will be for our children. Because I have realized that education is no longer the same as in our times, before we only used pencils and pens and now we only use the computer.”
Doña Yat is aware that the technological era has greatly influenced the educational field, and that the proper use of a computer is essential for the new generations to perform in the professional workplace. At New Sun Road, we believe that in order to achieve change in rural communities, it is essential to provide tools, support, and technological knowledge to people and families like Doña Yat’s.
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Doña Delfina Chó
I am very happy, working for the Community Center and I am convinced that the teamwork we achieve will contribute to its self-sustainability...
Doña Delfina Chó is a 42-year-old entrepreneur who lives in Chajché, a village in the rural highlands of Guatemala. She manages and runs a local convenience store.
“It is important to acquire digital skills and implement them in our business to improve sales and also as part of personal development, I used to want to travel to the United States as a “mojada” (illegal) to look for better opportunities, but now I can say with great confidence that there are opportunities here too. The Digital Community Center implemented by New Sun Road Guatemala has inspired me to continue learning and acquiring technological skills, the Digital Literacy course and the training sessions of the Women Leaders Committee have been a great personal contribution. Now I am very happy, working for the Community Center and I am convinced that our teamwork will achieve self-sustainability and we can be a Business Model, an example, and also an inspiration for other women and other communities.”
Doña Herlinda Choc Cuz
In the future I want to be the one who teaches my children how to use the computer.
Doña Herlinda Choc Cuz is a 32-year-old entrepreneur who lives in the community of Sequilá in San Pedro Carchá. Doña Choc raises and sells poultry in town. She is an active participant in the Digital Literacy Program that New Sun Road implements in her community.
On one of our visits, Doña Choc told us: “Some of us had never touched a computer, little by little we are learning how to use it. The Community Center is of great benefit to the entire community and also to our children. In the classes I have learned a lot and in the future I want to be the one to teach my children how to use a computer”
Access to digital services and education are fundamental factors that transform lives and provide opportunities to residents in the region. We are convinced that many mothers like Doña Choc recognize and leverage the benefits of these centers for themselves and their children.
Other voices in the SIS Centers
"Others may give us things or food, but you are giving us knowledge."
Teresa Botzoc, San Antonio IV
"I really liked this experience, it was my first contact with a computer, although I am an old lady, I want to continue learning..."
Estela Rax, Sequilá Community in San Pedro Carcha
"It is necessary for mothers to prepare and learn to use a computer because they are the ones who spend the most time with children and it is necessary to be able to help them..."
Sofía Cho, Community of San Antonio I in San Pedro Carchá
"I would like to learn how to use email correctly because it would be very useful for me."
Adelina Yat, Sacoyou
"In the future, I want to buy a computer, I hope you teach me how to use it."
Mercy Che, Sacoyou
"I really liked using email, from now on, I always want to use it."
Glenda Tzul, San Antonio IV
“It is important to receive this course, although it is difficult for us to attend due to our occupations, no one has given us this kind of help. This promotes personal growth."
Marta Alicia Sacul Siquic, Sequilá
"Try to get ahead, make an effort to be an example for my children and help them with homework."
Alicia Sacrab Choch, Aldea Nimlajacoc