New Sun Road Adds Two Awesome Interns to their Team

With New Sun Road doubling in revenues each year or more, we are pleased to welcome additional support in developing our programs and partnerships in Africa and operations to ensure timely delivery of our products for remotely controlling renewable energy microgrids.

First, we are happy to introduce Jose Saavedra. As one of our newest team members here at New Sun Road, Jose brings with him diverse experience in accounting and operations. He has worked for progressive companies like Planned Parenthood and Chesebro Tree Care Arbor. These organizations work in areas about which Jose is passionate such as women’s access to healthcare and protecting the natural environment.

Jose grew up in a small town (population 630) called El Cerrito Colorado in Mexico. He has personally experienced what it is like not to have access to reliable power. Growing up he said that many buildings ran on diesel. Through his role with New Sun Road, Jose hopes to be able to help communities like his hometown have access to clean electricity. Thank you for joining us on our mission to change. Welcome to the team, Jose.

Next, please meet Patricia Quaye.

Patricia who is a graduate student at UC Berkeley is getting her Masters’ degree in Development Engineering. Patricia will be researching, building partnerships, and outlining New Sun Road’s Africa Program for energy and internet access and business development.

Her personal history and experiences as a child born in a small village in Ghana where she had to face constant challenges in life sparked an interest in seeing people and communities develop and thrive. Patricia is concerned about the future and is committed to leading and inspiring positive change in the World. She is passionate about global issues, such as poverty, education, social and economic equity, women’s empowerment, unemployment, food sovereignty, climate change, social entrepreneurship, and sustainability. She is dedicated to being the type of development engineer and researcher that the world requires to make this a better place. Welcome to the team, Patricia.

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